Most companies are required to keep a log with the truck, which includes proper maintenance of the vehicle. Individual truckers and companies must have proper logbooks, training for drivers, which includes the various things they are carrying on their rigs or trailers.
When dealing with a truck accident case, an experienced lawyer will look for things such as, whether the driver has taken on too many runs and if he hasn’t had proper sleep. All these things are in the logbooks and can be used in a case.
In addition, trucking companies have governors that regulate the speed of the truck, GPS systems that can tell you exactly the details of the driver’s trip. This can include any detours or any problems along the way. These are all the types of things that are very important for your Houston truck accident attorney in developing a case to maximize the biggest reward possible.
If you’ve been involved in a negligent truck accident in or around Houston, contact Houston truck accident lawyer Ricardo De Lara immediately to preserve evidence and protect your rights. Your initial consultation is easy and a bilingual staff is available for Spanish speakers.